our city: CATANZARO, Calabria, south of Italy: Morandi Bridge

The bridge as a symbol that links blind man to the world, giving him, with the word, the image of light. |
How to use the International Library
Due copyright problems the access to the library is reserved only to registered blind people.
In order to registrate you need to completely compile THIS FORM and to send it via fax to the telephone number (Italy) 039 961 724152.
At the same time you MUST send another document too: a certification approved by a pubblic national istitute (not a private doctor) where the condition of BLINDNESS it's clearly reported.
In few days you will receive an e-mail with your personal username and password that will grant you the access to the library.
To access the service a little contribute is required, but we let you to decide how much to send (from zero to infinite) based on the greatness of your heart. By the way, for a little contribution, you are kindly requested to CONTAIN YOUR DOWNLOAD in 2 or 3 books in a single month and in a maximum of 2 or 3 newspapers in a single day, in order to allow other people using the service and not overcharge our poor server.
You can get the entire, and updated, catalougue of the library at this page (in italian).
The lists are in simple TXT format or compressed TXT in a ZIP file.
Remember that, in italian language, english is Inglese, spanish is Spagnolo, german is Tedesco, french is Francese, and so on.

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